Member Benefits


If you have any questions after reviewing or would like to schedule a prospect membership meeting, please contact our Director of Membership Services at or 864-242-0200.

Membership Information

All USAA memberships follow the calendar year (January 1st - December 31st). Memberships automatically renew on December 31st. 

Memberships are company-wide, not individual-based, so all employees become a member of USAA once the community/company joins. Each employee can have their own account profile on the website. All employees with an account will have access to the Member Directory on our website.

Networking Opportunities

USAA has signature events which occur on an annual basis such as a Golf Tournament, New Construction Bus Tour, and Trade Show. We host a signature or networking event at least once a month. These events are a great opportunity to meet individuals within this Multifamily Industry. These events are open to all member employees and require you to sign-up to attend. 

View Upcoming Events


One of the best ways to dive right into membership with USAA is by joining a committee. Committees are one of the most productive tools an association has to accomplish organization's goals and objectives. 

View USAA Committees

Career Center / Job Postings

USAA Members have access to post jobs on USAA's website for FREE! Visit:  to get started! Posting will stay live on the website for 60 days or until USAA is notified the job has been filled. 

Education & Professional Development

USAA offers opportunities for professional growth to our members through educational seminars and credential classes.

Community Credentials

CALP - Certified Apartment Leasing Professional
CAM - Certified Apartment Manager
CAMT - Certified Apartment Maintenance Technicians

Access to the Click & Lease Software

Access to the Click & Lease software is limited to apartment association members only. With Click & Lease, everything you need is online and easily accessible. Speed up the preparation of legal documents, make your leasing process more efficient and streamline applications for prospective residents.

Learn More about Click & Lease Software

Advertising & Sponsorships

USAA offers a variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities throughout the year that will maximize your company's presence within our organization and the industry. Sponsorships are available to purchase in months leading up to the event and we notify our members of these opportunities through our weekly email and on event pages. 

Business Directory Listing

All USAA members are listed in our Membership Directory on our website with basic information. Our community members utilize this when in search of a particular service for their community. The directory is located on our website under the "Membership" tab. Members are searchable by name or by area of expertise (services provided). Every supplier company can choose 4 categories included in your membership.

For more information regarding membership benefits, please contact