What is NAA Better Government Fund ?


The Better Government Fund (BGF)

This organization, while unable to contribute directly to candidates, is important to the NAAPAC in that it helps underwrite many NAAPAC fundraising efforts. The BGF can accept donations from both individuals and corporations.

You can help advance the efforts of the NAAPAC in several ways:

  1. Make a Donation
    NAAPAC contributions must come directly from an individual’s personal funds—checking account, credit card or cash. Cash contributions are limited to $100. 
  2. Prior Authorization
    Federal election law restricts the solicitation of individuals employed by corporate members of NAA without prior authorization. If you are an employee of an NAA member corporation and would like to authorize solicitation for NAAPAC, please follow the authorization instructions below. 
  3. NAAPAC Resources
    Fundraising and compliance rules can be challenging, even for seasoned PAC professionals. Learn new ways to raise PAC dollars while remaining compliant through these recorded webinars.
  4. Support the BGF
    The NAA Better Government Fund is used to underwrite the fundraising efforts of the NAAPAC and not for federal candidates. Contributions are unlimited and may come from personal or corporate sources.