Pop in Education September

Breaking the Silence-World Suicide Prevention Day

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
48 Seats Remaining
48 Seats Remaining

48 Seats Remaining
48 Seats Remaining

Pop In with USAA on Zoom for some quick CECS

      • September 10th (World Suicide Prevention Day)
        • Breaking the Silence (25 min)
          • Overcoming the pervasive stigma and limited understanding surrounding mental health issues poses a significant obstacle in tackling suicide. World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) calls upon each person to dismantle these barriers by fostering open conversations, offering nonjudgmental support, and sharing valuable resources.
          • By working together, people can prevent suicide and create a world where individuals feel supported, understood, and empowered to seek help 
            • Participants will benefit by being able to
              ·         Explore the significance of openly addressing suicide prevention
              ·         Understand common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicidal behavior
              ·         Understand how to approach conversations about suicide with empathy and sensitivity
              ·         Address misconceptions surrounding suicide, mental health, and seeking help
              ·         Discuss strategies for creating safe spaces and promoting mental health

    For More Information:

    Andrea Graham

    Andrea Graham

    Director of Membership Services